When you select a List Widget, its settings window will pop up.

You can use this window to do the following:

1. Manage Items- Allows you to add/remove items, change item order, add fields and change titles.

2. Transitions - Allows you to customize the transitions between the list's pages (auto transitions, type of transition - fade, slide...)

3. Add Navigation Widget - Allows you to add a menu or navigation buttons like next and prev to navigate between the list's pages.

4. Scale - Allows you to scale the list as a whole.

5. Settings - Allows you to list's settings like : elements per page,arrangement, layout, spacing and alignment.

6. Link - Link a list to a page, URL or email address.

7. Show on all pages - The list will show on all the website pages (will become a master template element).

8. Element starts hidden - The list will start hidden in the preview and the published website.