To add a PayPal Add To Cart button, please follow the below steps: (Please ensure you have logged into your account and are in the Editor)

  1. Click on Add from the left side tool-bar

  2. From the menu that will have appeared, select E-Commerce

  3. No from the list of different E-Commerce option click on Add To Cart

  4. You will now be able to drag and drop the button in to the desired location on your website.

Configuring the Add To Cart Button

Firstly you will need to link the button to your PayPal account, This can be done by follow the below steps:

  1. Click on the actual Add To Cart button, this will trigger the buttons Settings Menu to appear.

  2. From the options select ‘Settings

  3. In the Customize section, click on PayPal Account

  4. From the light-box that will appear you \will need to enter your PayPal Account details (Email Address) and select your currency.

PayPal Button Settings

You will also need to ensure that you have entered the product, shipping and tax information, all this information can be added by following the below steps:

  1. Click on the actual Add To Cart button, this will trigger the buttons Settings Menu to appear.

  2. From the options select ‘Settings

  3. In the PayPal Button Settings section you will need to enter all the information that is relevant to your product or service that your Add To Cart button will be working for. (Below is an example of what you will need to enter)

  4. Once completed, Click Finish

  • Button Type: Add To Cart / Buy Now / Donate / Check Out

  • Currency: Select your chosen currency from the drop-down menu

  • Item Name: Product Name or Brief Description

  • Price: Enter the amount you will be charging for your product

  • Quantity: How many products (We recommend setting this at 1, but customers can change the quantity once they go to Paypal)

  • Shipping Price: Enter your shipping charge (Delivery cost Chargeable to your customers)

  • Tax: If you are going to charge your customers sales Tax, you would enter the amount in this field.