To add images to your webpage click Add in the sidebar, then click Image, you are then displayed with the SiteBuilder Image Library where you choose which image you want to place on your webpage. There are thousands of images in our library free for you to make use of, however adding images on your computer is as easy as clicking the Upload button in the top right of the image library.
If you have uploaded an image previously and want to use it again, you will find the image listed in the User Images library by clicking the person icon near the Add tab. The other option here, denoted by the link icon, is for pointing to an image hosted on the internet somewhere. This requires locating the URL of an image and pasting it in the link image field, please remember that the image will still be hosted elsewhere, so if the owner of the website you are using the image from decides to take the image down, the image on your website won't work anymore.
Once you click an image it locks to your mouse cursor ready for you to place on your webpage. To place it, simply click at the location you want the image to be.
Images can be re-sized freely, also by clicking an image then clicking Settings on the tools palette you can crop the image. As will all elements, there are a host of other controls in the tools palette, for example you can change the image opacity.
Think about the image you are uploading and how it will look in mobile view. We from time to time receive questions about why an image is displayed the way it is in mobile view. An image has a linked width and height, when one of these properties is changed the other needs to change to display the image proportionally. If you have an extremely long image width-ways, it will need to be scaled drastically to fit in mobile view.
As simple as we have made SiteBuilder, we only offer basic image manipulation tools. Please be aware that images that are really large in disk size will take longer to load, also if you are making images that are large a lot smaller on the page it would be worth doing that first on your computer before uploading it to SiteBuilder. If you are looking for free image manipulation tools we recommend GIMP (Windows & Mac) and Paint.NET (Windows only)