Once you have upgraded a SiteBuilder account and registered or transferred a domain name to SiteBuilder, you can begin setting up custom email addresses.


There are options to set up mailboxes or forwarding addresses. This means you can set up a whole new email account with a custom address, or make a custom address that when emailed simply forwards emails to an existing email address you own.


When a new mailbox is setup, the email address (e.g. name@yourdomain.com) needs to be configured and a password needs to be provided. Once this has been done a whole new mailbox is created in which you can send and receive email.


When a forwarding email is setup, you specify the email address (e.g. name@yourdomain.com) and the existing email address it should forward all email to (e.g. name@gmail.com) When anyone emails your domain email address, the email will automatically forward to your existing email address. Some mail providers, such as Gmail, support sending emails from a custom email address also.


Your first mailbox with SiteBuilder is completely free, all additional mailboxes are $5 per month. Set up of forwarding email addresses is completely free though.

To begin setting up your email addresses, please click here.